I’m Aoife, mother to Fiachra and Sadhbh. After my own experience with IVF and postnatal anxiety I found myself fascinated with all things birthing and mothering. I had a tough breastfeeding journey with Fiachra but I found each bump along the way made me learn more and more. During my maternity leave with Sadhbh I completed my Doula training with Krysia Lynch. I’m a very proud member of the DAI and I currently sit on the committee as our social media representative. I’ve recently become a Friends of Breastfeeding Buddy and I’m very passionate in supporting your breast/ chestfeeding journey in whatever shape it takes. I believe support is key in reaching your feeding goals.
“Taking care of you, so you can take care of baby”
Skills & Interests:
Friends of Breastfeeding Buddy
Areas/Hospitals Covered
Birth+ Postpartum Doula offering services in Limerick and surrounding counties.